2024-04-06 章北海传第九集留念。他真的我哭死
------ 我是观看网飞三体请带好护目镜的分割线 ------
哦 → 疑惑 → 啊? → 啊? → 这也能行? → 离谱 → 搞笑演绎 → 毫无波澜甚至有点想笑 → 看小品咯 → 我到底看了个什么东西你还我三体!
太搞笑了哈哈哈哈哈哈,我缓缓打出无数个问号?啊这是云天明?啊所以这是程心?这是章北海??? ??噗
就是说永远不知道书里面的人物会在什么时候以何种方式出现,gotta hand it to two DBs 是原著党看到剧的改编会有的一种离谱的顿悟感,没看过小说的人根本不会在意的啦😅。
说实话我倒是觉得三线同时推进是个可以理解的改编而且 maybe not a half bad adaptation, 但是赶集的剧情和出戏的 zzzq 和stereotype 实在是让我像吃了石头一样难受,细节全没,character development 也看不到,三体冷峻的科幻感也被拍成了爱情公寓罗辑本该是连死都大笑着融进画里的极致浪漫代表,一个单枪匹马干翻两个文明的疯子,以一己之力让人类文明苟延残喘的英雄,他的胜利无人能及,可在网飞这里,他吸大麻🫵🏻经常在实验室里把自己磕嗨了,剧里至少 cue 了三次😅请问这是什么很值得骄傲的事情吗。。汪淼天天都在和罗辑生气“哎呀人家需要你的时候不接我电话,还在外面嗑药和别的女人睡觉”,我就说这合理吗!!!
本来觉得前面的三体游戏拍得还行,结果越到后面越离谱啊啊啊。。古筝行动真的拍得好搞笑哈哈,乐。。我一般不会因为这种事情很生气,真的除非忍不住,我气得早上 4 点从床上坐起来,“他们有病吧!”抛开原著,如果不当三体来看情节又太一般了😤以及台词真的写得好差!充斥着不好笑的低俗笑话(你还我三体啊啊啊啊啊 summer立誓再也不会打开网飞三体了😤Netflix也卸载了(假的)
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也是挺无语的!看了八集的我也没碰到啥想记下来的英语知识点,牛津fuck侠们天天小学生吵架听了跟没听一样只觉得聒噪🥹白看八集😄😄😄(他们真的好爱f word😄)
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no one is the wiser idiomatic phrase
no one knows or understands any more about a situation than they did before 没有人比之前更了解或更明白情况
- They managed to take the money without being caught, and no one is the wiser. 他们设法在不被抓到的情况下拿走了钱,而且没有人察觉到。
"No one is the wiser" 这个短语通常在描述一个情况或行动已经发生,但周围的人没有意识到,或他们没有足够的信息来理解发生了什么。这可以用在许多不同的场合,比如保密操作、成功的秘密计划,或者是在提到某件事时没有引起他人的注意。 {% endbox %}
2024-03-25 更新:网飞三体让我对鹅版三体的观看欲望达到新的高峰,一搜居然出了周年导演剪辑版,立马前来观赏。原本 7、8 集被喷得最惨的部分都删了,之前一些被诟病节奏慢的地方也有所调整。鹅三真的很好看!!!谁会不为汪淼与大史之间若即若离的社会主义 chemistry 感动呢。鹅版的古筝计划拍得是真好😭😭😭洗洗被网飞创飞的眼睛。
看完鹅版三体又想看章北海了呜呜呜,binge watching 真的给我带来极大幸福感
2024-03-26 更新:看了一眼 imdb 的评分竟然涨到了 7.8😅点进几个评论看了一下 一个给了 8 分的高赞评论如是说:
{% folding 点击查看评论 open
Not sure why i continue wasting time reading other people's reviews before watching a show, but i suppose it has saved me once or twice from a terrible program.
This isn't one of those times. I watch to be entertained. Couldn't care less how close an adaptation to written material something is, because i have no pre-conceived notions regarding the efforts of the writers/producers/directors/actors to correctly create something I want. If I expected shows to match my visions, it would be because i created them myself.
So...i didn't read the books, watch the previous chinese tv iteration, I'm not a physicist nor quantum engineer and never worked on the LHC. In other words, no pre-conceieved notions whatsoever. Simply watched and enjoyed for what it was. I've read that the science isn't accurate, or not detailed enough. I've read that apparently some of the actors chosen don't properly mirror what a real meta-physicist looks or sounds like..apparently some actors are too attractive to be believable (seems like a fairly insulting commentary on scientists). Also read the usual worthless garbage about how there are too many powerful/intelligent women in the cast compared to the men, and how apparently a few characters were changed from the books to...gasp!....another sex or racial background for some "agenda" that only delusional people know about. The horror!!
In truth...it's enjoyable for a binge watch. Not revolutionary or ground breaking, but interesting enough a concept to keep my attention, and the acting overall is quite good. I don't see race or color, so couldn't care less whether there are enough men to women, or what skin color anyone has. All that matters is whether each actor was believable, and they were, so the racists and ignorant masses can troll elsewhere.
Watch and enjoy with an open mind.
评论链接:https://www.imdb.com/review/rw9699709/?ref_=tt_urv {% endfolding %}
这位网友给出了 enjoyable for a binge watch, not revolutionary or groundbreaking
的评价,可是三体明明是震惊我十年的神作😅咱也不知道,咱也不敢问,not groundbreaking 真的有 8 分这么好看吗?。要不别的国家都来拍《三体》吧!让我看看网飞能排第几,急急急急急!