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antics noun
behaviour that is silly and funny in a way that people usually like 滑稽可笑的举止
- The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity. 银行职员使出各种可笑的招数为慈善事业筹款。
- a comic who performs wacky antics on his TV show 在电视节目中做出疯疯癫癫的滑稽动作的喜剧演员
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
adjective- amusing; crazy; playful; …
verb + antics
- get up to; perform; be amused by; …
behaviour which is unreasonable or dangerous 荒唐行为;危险举动 Topics DangerC2
Word Origin
early 16th cent.: from antic, from Italian antico ‘antique’, used to mean ‘grotesque’.
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hard, hot#
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hard sell
NOUN(常作 the hard sell)
A policy or technique of aggressive salesmanship or advertising
硬推销, 强行推销:
- They invited 1,000 participants and gave them the hard sell. 他们邀请了1,000 位参加者, 对他们搞强行推销。 OPP: soft sell
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for a hot second
an informal expression that means "for a very brief moment."
非正式表达 片刻之间,非常短暂的一瞬间
So when the speaker says, "And for a hot second, I almost did," it means that they were briefly tempted or almost persuaded to go along with what was being proposed due to the aggressive persuasion.
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nefarious adjective
- (of actions or activities) wicked or criminal 邪恶的,犯罪的
- The director of the company seems to have been involved in some nefarious practices. 这位公司的董事似乎卷入了一些邪恶的行径。
- He was known for his nefarious dealings in the world of finance. 他在金融界的不法交易是出了名的。
- synonyms:
- villainous, evil, sinful, iniquitous, corrupt, …
- opposites:
- good, virtuous, … {% endbox %}
And I'm not even sure it had any nefarious purpose. “我甚至不能确定它有任何邪恶的目的。”
再次出现 circumvent!
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circumvent verb
- to find a way of avoiding restrictions or difficulties 绕开,规避
- The company opened an office abroad to circumvent employment laws. 公司在国外开设了办事处以规避就业法律。
- The athletes found clever ways to circumvent the drug testing policies. 运动员们找到了巧妙的方法来规避药检政策。
- synonyms:
- bypass, get around, avoid, evade, sidestep, …
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abysmal adjective
- extremely bad or of a very low standard 极坏的;糟透的
- The conditions in the camp were abysmal. 营地里的条件极其恶劣。
- He described the service as abysmal. 他形容这项服务糟糕透顶。 {% endbox %}
Example Sentence:
- It’s not as if Professor Whistler doesn’t have a stack of abysmal midterms to grade. 这并不是说惠斯勒教授没有一堆糟糕的期中考试试卷要批改。
Usage from specific source:
- "The math department was notorious for its abysmal midterm exams that left even the best students perplexed." — From a U.S. college-themed TV show dialogue.
- “数学系因其糟糕的期中考试而臭名昭著,即使是最好的学生也感到困惑。” —— 来自一部以美国大学为主题的电视剧对话。
Note: The use of "abysmal" here indicates that the quality of midterms is very poor, which likely makes the grading process unpleasant or disappointing for the professor. The term "stack" implies a sizable number of exams to be graded.
It may be that it's not needed.#
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记不清是什么时候起,再也没有看到宅宅的笑容。从 Death benefit 一集是否杀议员一事上,宅总对机器失去信心,和队友产生分歧,紧接着又是 Grace 被绑架,Samaritan 上线……
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pythagorean identity#
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Sounds like
/pɪˌθægəˈriːən aɪˈdɛntɪti/
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good point
宅总必然是在学术圈如鱼得水 just like Elias has said, ‘I imagine you'd fit in rather well in academia.‘
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学术对话 be like#
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Ms. Bridges, precautionary principles create the only possible framework when you consider the implications of neuro-evolutionary technologies.
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The "precautionary principle" refers to a strategy for approaching innovations and technological advances, especially those that have the potential to cause harm and where there is a lack of comprehensive scientific understanding of their effects. The principle advocates for caution, a pause, and a thorough review before proceeding with new technologies that might have catastrophic consequences. It is grounded in the philosophy that when an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus, the burden of proof falls on those advocating for the action or policy, not those opposing it.
In the context of neuro-evolutionary technologies, which involve the development of technologies that can interact with or enhance human neurological functions, the precautionary principle would imply a rigorous framework of safety and ethical considerations to avoid potential risks to individuals' health, identity, and privacy.
- precautionary principle: 预防原则 – 一种在科学知识缺乏时处理可能导致伤害的创新的广泛认识论、哲学和法律方法。它强调在投身可能产生灾难性后果的新创新之前,要小心、暂停并进行审查。
"With the advent of gene editing technologies, the precautionary principle has become a crucial part of the ethical debate, ensuring that scientific progress does not outpace our capacity to understand its implications." 随着基因编辑技术的出现,预防原则已成为伦理辩论的关键部分,确保科学进步不会超出我们理解其含义的能力。
Reference: Wikipedia on the precautionary principle.
[!faq] sentence breakdown
- precautionary principles: Guidelines or approaches that emphasize caution and preventive action to minimize risk, especially when dealing with new, potentially hazardous, or poorly understood technologies or situations.
- the only possible framework: This phrase suggests that, according to the speaker, the only appropriate or viable method or system of approaching the situation is through the use of precautionary principles.
- the implications: The consequences, effects, or outcomes that may result from a particular action or innovation.
- of neuro-evolutionary technologies: Technologies that are related to the development and enhancement of neurological functions, which may include brain-computer interfaces, neural implants, or genetic engineering targeted at the nervous system.
Putting it all together, the sentence conveys that Ms. Bridges should acknowledge that the most responsible and safe way to develop or utilize neuro-evolutionary technologies is by strictly adhering to precautionary principles, given the potential risks and the current lack of complete understanding of these technologies' long-term effects.
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combining form
/metə/, /məˈtæ/
in nouns, adjectives and verbs 构成名词、形容词和动词
- connected with a change of position or state(位置或状态)变化的
- metamorphosis 变形
- metabolism 新陈代谢
- higher; beyond 高于;在上;在外
- metaphysics 形而上学
- metalanguage 元语言
Word Origin from Greek meta ‘with, across, or after’. {% endbox %}
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meteoric adjective
- resembling a meteor in speed, brilliance, or transience 像流星一样的速度、辉煌或短暂
- Her rise to fame was meteoric, surprising everyone with how quickly she became a household name. 她声名鹊起的速度如流星般,让每个人都对她迅速成为家喻户晓的名字感到惊讶。
- The startup company had meteoric growth, doubling its revenue in just one year. 这家初创公司增长迅猛,仅一年就使其收入翻了一番。
Example Sentence:
The young athlete's career took a meteoric trajectory, breaking world records one after another. 这位年轻运动员的职业生涯呈流星般的轨迹,一次又一次地打破世界纪录。
"His meteoric rise through the ranks of the company was nothing short of astonishing." “他在公司内快速升职简直令人震惊。” {% endbox %}
Note: The term "meteoric" is often used metaphorically to describe something that happens very quickly and is usually impressive, although it might also imply that it is not meant to last for a long time, similar to the fleeting nature of a meteor streaking through the sky.
Any word from root?#
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Bereft of#
I put the machine in chains: This metaphorically indicates that the speaker had previously restricted or controlled the machine's capabilities.
bereft of voice or memory: "Bereft" means to be deprived of something. Here, it suggests that the machine was left without the ability to communicate ("voice") or remember ("memory").
Now it has both: The machine now possesses the abilities it previously lacked—communication and memory.
Reference: Person of Interest Wiki
Out of 43 versions, how many do you think there were that didn't try to either trick or kill me?#
hero complex#
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这段话就是点明了 Mr. Reese 的本质啊
他想救所有人,哪怕任何人都会告诉他 'you don't have to save everyone'
Reese 曾在第一集就说过,“我曾满世界寻找坏人,最后发现你们这样的人就在家门口满地都是”
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tall order#
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tall order (once / 35601 pages)
A tall order is a task or job that is difficult to carry out. For a bodybuilder, lifting 500 pounds is a tall order.
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Some things in life are easy to do. Some can be done with a moderate amount of effort or skill. Others are tall orders: a tall order is hard to accomplish, and it might even be impossible. Getting 100 on a test is a tall order. In sports, winning a championship is a tall order. Getting into a school like Harvard is a tall order. People often say "That's a tall order!" when someone else asks for something unrealistic.
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head variety#

I mean, you got that rep, you know? {% endbox %}
Bust my chops to my graves#

The phrase "they'll bust my chops" is an idiomatic expression which means that they will give someone a hard time, either by criticizing, teasing, or harassing them. The expression often carries a connotation of good-natured ribbing among friends, but it can also imply more serious criticism or annoyance depending on the context.
they’ll bust my chops: They will tease, criticize, or hassle the speaker.
to the grave: Indicating the teasing or criticism will go on indefinitely, suggesting it will be relentless and long-lasting.
Play fast and loose#

The expression "play fast and loose" means to behave irresponsibly or immorally, often in a manner that is deceitful or not following the rules. It suggests a lack of concern for the consequences that such behavior might have on others or on the situation at hand.
- fast and loose: This part of the phrase suggests both recklessness (fast) and a disregard for rules or ethics (loose).
Example: "He's known to play fast and loose with company regulations, which often lands him in trouble with management."
- 他以对公司规定不负责任、不拘小节而闻名,这经常让他和管理层有摩擦。
Reference: Merriam-Webster's definition of "play fast and loose".

Color inside the lines#



Get a jump on#

Gather, culminate in#

Right up you alley#


The phrase "Now's not the time to be precious, Harold." implies that the current situation calls for pragmatism, straightforwardness, or direct action, rather than being overly cautious, delicate, or concerned with minor details.
“Being precious“ in this context means giving too much attention to trivial or unimportant matters at an inappropriate time.
- to be precious: Means to behave in a way that is overly careful, fussy, or paying too much attention to small details that are not critical under the circumstances.
after the fact#

This term signifies an action or situation that occurs subsequent to an event or crime, rather than during it. It is especially used in ==legal contexts== to refer to knowledge of an event after it has occurred, or an action taken after the event in question.
After the fact (短语):这个术语表示在事件或犯罪发生之后而不是期间发生的行动或情况。它特别用于法律语境中,指在事件发生后的认识,或在有问题的事件之后采取的行动。
例句: "The police arrived after the fact, when the robbers had already fled the scene."(抢劫者已经逃离现场后,警察才到达。)
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