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Person of Interest S3 英语观影笔记

"Everyone is relevant to someone."

· 13 min


第三季完结~ 小撒界面截图留念。

Then what the hell have we been doing?#


[!TLDR] Lot (noun): In this context, "lot" refers to a group or set of people with something in common. It often carries a slightly ==disparaging== connotation, implying a group that is regarded as undesirable or having negative qualities.

The phrase "Your young misguided lot" suggests a group of young people who are considered to be led astray or lacking proper guidance or judgment.

Lot (名词): 在此语境中,"lot" 指的是有共同特点的一群人或一组人。它通常带有轻蔑的含义,暗示这是一个被视为不受欢迎或具有负面品质的群体。

短语 "Your young misguided lot" 暗示一群被认为误入歧途或缺乏适当指导或判断的年轻人。

例句: "The city council is concerned about the misguided lot who continue to vandalize public property."(市议会对那些继续破坏公共财产的误导群体感到担忧。)

what better way to remind than an atrocity on American soil#

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Person of Interest 第3季 第23集_0003.jpg

Sentence structure analysis:

The structure implies a comparison without actually providing an alternative, suggesting that an atrocity on American soil is such a significant and impactful event that it serves as an unparalleled reminder of something important.

Atrocity (noun):
  • An extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury. When it is said to occur "on American soil," it means that the act happened within the United States.

Example: Sentence: "In the movie, the character implies that nothing could serve as a more powerful reminder of the past dangers than an atrocity on American soil."

take you at your word#

The phrase "You’ll forgive me if I don’t take you at your word" is a polite, somewhat ironic or skeptical way of saying that the speaker is not willing to accept what someone has said without additional evidence or proof. It indicates that the speaker has some doubts about the other person's honesty or reliability.

Sentence Structure:


"After the last time you broke your promise, you’ll forgive me if I don’t take you at your word when you say you'll help this time."

"Considering your history of breaking promises, you'll understand why I'm reluctant to simply take you at your word."

Full-court press 🏀#

full-court press

This sentence uses a sports metaphor to describe a strategic, aggressive action towards achieving complete dominance or control on a global scale. The term "full-court press" originates from basketball, where it refers to a strategy in which a team applies defensive pressure over the entire court to disrupt the opposing team's play and gain an advantage.

So, ==in simpler terms==: "The organization known as 'Control' has recently started using very aggressive tactics to achieve dominance over global affairs."


"In the novel, the villain's organization, Control, employs a full-court press strategy to overthrow governments and become the sole superpower."

"In a desperate bid for power, the organization ramped up its efforts and went for a full-court press on global influence. 在一场对权力的绝望争夺中,该组织加大了力度,采取全场紧逼策略来争取全球影响力。


go pear-shaped 🍐#

Brit. informal go wrong

〈英, 非正式〉出错; 搞错; 误入歧途:

one of those days when everything went pear-shaped.


ORIGIN: originally RAF slang.

Tangential, at best#


Tangential refers to something that's not part of the whole. If you make a comment that is tangential to the story you're telling, it's a digression. The story could still be understood without it.

In geometry, a tangent is a line that touches a curve in one spot but doesn't intersect it anywhere else. ==Tangential== means something that goes off in one direction that way and doesn't return. People can feel tangential––as though they're inessential and not relevant to a larger group.

Pass muster#

Pass muster (phrase):

To be accepted as adequate or satisfactory; to meet the required standards.

Originally, this expression meant to undergo a military review without censure, with "muster" referring to the assembling of troops for inspection or a similar process.

Definition: Be accepted as adequate or satisfactory.

Example: "a treaty that might pass muster with the voters."

Pass muster (短语):被接受为足够好或令人满意的;满足所要求的标准。最初,这个短语的意思是在没有受到责难的情况下经受军事检阅,"muster" 指的是为了检查或类似过程而集合军队。

定义: 被接受为足够好或令人满意的。

例句: "a treaty that might pass muster with the voters" (一项可能会得到选民认可的条约)。


Weigh alternative approaches#


Prospect (noun):

A prospect refers to the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring. When used with the adjective "frightening," it suggests that the potential future event is intimidating, scary, or causing fear.

Real example: On Twitter, a user might comment on the potential of a soccer player by saying, "A frightening prospect indeed!" referring to the idea that the player's future performance could be overwhelmingly good and intimidating to opponents.

Example: "The thought of facing the champion in the next match is a frightening prospect indeed for the rookie boxer."


Prospect (名词): prospect 是指某个未来事件发生的可能性或可能。当与形容词 "frightening"(令人害怕的)一起使用时,它暗示潜在的未来事件令人感到害怕、恐怖或引起恐惧。

真实例子: 在Twitter上,一个用户可能会评论某个足球运动员的潜力,说 "A frightening prospect indeed!",指的是该运动员未来表现可能会非常出色,让对手感到害怕。

例句: "The thought of facing the champion in the next match is a frightening prospect indeed for the rookie boxer."(对于那位新手拳击手来说,想到下一场比赛要面对冠军确实是一个可怕的前景。)

Retreat, tap, shepherd#

Retreat (noun)

In the context of the sentence "especially since the 2008 policy retreat on Martha's Vineyard when you were tapped to shepherd the program," the term "retreat" likely refers to a period or event wherein a group gathers in a secluded or private setting to discuss strategy, policies, or objectives away from their usual environment. These events often involve high-level discussions and planning.

In this case, it seems that there was a specific event or gathering in 2008 on Martha's Vineyard, which is a well-known vacation spot in Massachusetts, that focused on policy discussion or strategic planning. The phrase "policy retreat" signifies a meeting dedicated to reviewing and possibly setting new policies.

Retreat (名词): 在 "especially since the 2008 policy retreat on Martha's Vineyard when you were tapped to shepherd the program" 这句话中,"retreat" 一词很可能是指一群人在一个隔绝或私密的环境中聚集,远离通常的环境,来讨论战略、政策或目标的一段时间或活动。这些事件经常涉及到高层的讨论和计划。

  1. "The company holds an annual retreat to set goals for the upcoming year."(公司每年举行一次闭门会议,为来年设定目标。)

  2. "The board of directors went on a retreat to discuss the organization's five-year plan."(董事会进行了一次闭门会议,讨论组织的五年计划。)

Tap (verb):

To select or appoint someone for a specific role or duty, often involving responsibility or authority over a particular area.

In the context of "When you were tapped to shepherd the program," it means that you were chosen or designated to guide, direct, or manage the program. The term "shepherd" here is used metaphorically to imply leading with care and guidance.

Tap (动词): 为某个特定的角色或职责选拔或任命某人,通常涉及对特定领域的职责或权威。

在 "When you were tapped to shepherd the program" 的上下文中,意味着你被选中或指定去引导、指导或管理该项目。这里的 "shepherd" 被比喻性地用来意味着带领时的关怀和指导。

例句: "He was tapped to shepherd the new initiative, ensuring it would meet its objectives."(他被选中引领新倡议,确保其能达到目标。)


I know what you know to be true#

I know what you know to be true. (sentence)

This sentence implies that the speaker is aware of the same facts or truths that the other person acknowledges. It suggests a shared understanding or agreement on certain knowledge or information.



  1. "You believe in the importance of honesty, and I know what you know to be true."(你相信诚实的重要性,我也清楚你认为的真理。)

  2. "We both saw the evidence, and I know what you know to be true about the case."(我们都看到了证据,我了解你认为的关于这个案件的真相。)



plight is a situation that's hard to get out of. Learning about the plight of very poor people trying to rebuild their homes after a devastating earthquake might inspire you to send money to a charity.

Plight means predicament. It comes from the word for pleat, which means fold. A plight is a tough bind. You'll usually hear the word plight for groups of people or animals struggling to survive, or struggling for better lives. We talk about the plight of refugees, or the plight of sea birds after an oil spill. An old-fashioned use of plight is for pledge. If you get engaged, you give a plight of your love.

beyond reproach#

I couldn't make you look bad if l tried.#

绝不可能 你永远光彩照人啊 I couldn't make you look bad if l tried.

I couldn't make you look bad if I tried. (sentence)

This sentence is often used to express a compliment or confidence in someone's abilities, character, or reputation. It suggests that no matter what the speaker might do, it would not be possible to tarnish the other person's good standing because they are inherently competent or respectable.



  1. "You're so talented at what you do that I couldn't make you look bad if I tried."(你做事如此有才华,即使我想让你看起来不好,也做不到。)

  2. "She's such a dedicated worker that nobody could make her look bad even if they tried."(她是如此敬业的工作者,即使别人想让她看起来不好,也做不到。)



What is it they say about great minds?#

At best#

at best (phrase)

The phrase "at best" is used to describe the most positive or favorable condition that can be expected.

短语 "at best" 用来描述可以期待的最积极或最有利的条件。


  1. "The evidence is circumstantial at best; we can't convict him based on this alone."(证据充其量只是间接的;我们不能仅凭这个就判他有罪。)

  2. "Her chances of winning are at best slim, given the strong competition."(考虑到激烈的竞争,她的获胜机会充其量是微乎其微。)

Somewhat of a loner.#

It does my heart good…#

it does my heart good (phrase)

The phrase "it does my heart good" is used to express that something makes one feel happy or satisfied, often emotionally. It suggests that knowing about a certain situation or seeing a particular thing has a positive effect on one's emotions or spirits.

“it does my heart good”这个短语用来表达某事物让某人感到高兴或满意,通常是在情感上的。它暗示了知道某个特定情况或看到某个特定事物对一个人的情绪或精神有积极的影响。


  1. "It does my heart good to see the community coming together to help those in need."(看到社区团结起来帮助那些需要帮助的人,真让我感到欣慰。)

  2. "Whenever I hear about your success, it does my heart good."(每当我听说你的成功,我都感到特别高兴。)

kindred spirits#




casually evasive#

coming in too hot#

reverse engineering#

snap a twig#


scotch rocks#

return leg#

Be stretched past the point where...#

如果你心有余而力不足 If you're stretched past the point where you can give him what he needs,

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Part of Speech, Origin, and Meaning

This phrase combines verbs and prepositions. It originates from the physical action of stretching something (e.g., a material) and is metaphorically extended to situations, capabilities, resources, etc. It means to extend or use something beyond its normal or reasonable limit to the point where it can no longer function properly or effectively.

Antonyms and Synonyms

• Antonyms: Be within limits, be underused • Synonyms: Overextend, push beyond capacity, stretch to the limit

Common Colloquial Expressions

  1. “We’re stretching our budget past the point where we can afford any luxuries.“
  2. “He’s stretched too thin with all his commitments.”
  3. “This project is stretched past the point of feasibility.”

Related Phrasal Verbs

1. Stretch out: To extend or spread over an area or period of time.Example: “We can stretch out the project timeline to accommodate the new requirements.”
2. Stretch thin: To make something cover more area or time than is reasonable; to use resources sparingly to the point of insufficiency.Example: “With so many tasks, I’m stretched thin at work.”
3. Stretch beyond: To extend past a certain point or limit.Example: “His patience was stretched beyond its limit.”


Right now, the only people i trust are in this room.#

He is not deceived who knows himself to be deceived.#

既然知道被骗 就不会被骗了 He is not deceived who knows himself to be deceived.

The quote "He is not deceived who knows himself to be deceived" suggests that a person who is aware that they are being deceived is not truly deceived, as they possess awareness of the situation. This expression highlights the importance of self-awareness and understanding of one's circumstances, implying that true deception occurs only when one is completely unaware of the deceit.




来源:Power Quotations


The term "attendings" is a shorthand for "attending physicians," which refers to doctors who have completed their residency training and are fully licensed to practice medicine in their specialty area. They are typically responsible for supervising medical trainees such as fellows, residents, and medical students in a clinic or hospital setting.




来源:Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I read that it works this way#

I read that it works this way-- That the therapist waits until the silence becomes so unbearable That the patient is forced to speak.

Chip off the old block#

"Chip off the old block" is an informal phrase used to describe someone who resembles their parent in character or appearance.

“Chip off the old block” 是一个非正式说法,用于形容一个人在性格或外貌上与他们的父母相似。




In stitches#

"In stitches" is an informal phrase meaning laughing uncontrollably.




来源:Cambridge English Dictionary


At the risk of...#

"At the risk of" is a phrase used to introduce a statement that might result in an adverse reaction or a negative consequence but is said despite the possible risks.



You're the best partner I ever have. 💜💜#




  1. the exertion of force by means of a lever.

    "my spade hit something solid that wouldn't respond to leverage"

  2. FINANCE the ratio of a company's loan capital (debt) to the value of its ordinary shares (equity); gearing.


  1. use borrowed capital for (an investment), expecting the profits made to be greater than the interest payable.

    "without clear legal title to their assets, they own property that cannot be leveraged as collateral for loans"

  2. use (something) to maximum advantage.

    "the organization needs to leverage its key resources"

Big on ...#

big on (phrase)

The phrase "big on" means to have a lot of enthusiasm for, or to place a great importance on something. It's often used to describe interests, hobbies, and preferences.

“big on”这个短语的意思是对某事物有很多热情,或是非常重视某事。它通常用来描述兴趣、爱好和偏好。


  1. "She's really big on healthy eating and exercising."(她非常重视健康饮食和锻炼。)

  2. "I'm not too big on going out late; I prefer quiet evenings at home."(我不太喜欢晚上出去玩;我更喜欢在家安静地度过夜晚。)

  3. "He's big on second chances, always believes people can change."(他非常看重给予第二次机会,始终相信人们能改变。)


Everything but the kitchen sink#

Everything but the kitchen sink (idiom)

This idiom means nearly everything has been included, whether needed or not; a large number of items, often to the point of excess or redundancy.



  1. "When she goes on vacation, she packs everything but the kitchen sink!"(她去度假时,她打包了一切东西,除了厨房的水槽!)

  2. "They included every feature in the new model, everything but the kitchen sink."(他们在新型号中添加了每一个特性,应有尽有。)

S3E7 con-artist#


Glove department#

Extra bulgogi#

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What are we doing here? This is way off our beat.

Domain awareness#

Her address is in a blind spot where funding for domain awareness ran out.

The Domain Awareness System is the largest digital surveillance system in the world as part of the Lower Manhattan Security Initiative in partnership between the New York Police Department and Microsoft to monitor New York City. It allows the NYPD to track surveillance targets and gain detailed information about them, and is overseen by the counterterrorism bureau. 域感知系统是世界上最大的数字监控系统,是纽约警察局和 Microsoft 合作监控纽约市的曼哈顿下城安全计划的一部分。它允许纽约警察局跟踪监视目标并获取有关它们的详细信息,并由反恐局监督。

DOA, 10-45#

DOA: dead on arrivial

Leave a little something to be desired#

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Person of Interest 第3季 第5集_0001.jpg

S3E4 开头 bear 高萌演技留念~#





US Nautical slang a member of the navy, typically one who is of low rank

【航海】〈美俚〉海军一员(尤指军衔低的人); 水手, 水兵。

get hosed 受到不公平对待;crock 一派胡言#

这事儿挺扯蛋 大家都知道你为开那枪背了黑锅 This whole thing's a crock, everybody knows you got hosed on that shooting. 怎么难道还要你街上巡逻十年不成? What, do they expect you to push around a squad car the next ten years? 走着瞧吧 Till l get my 20. 你现在就打卡下班啊 You just now clocking out?

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Person of Interest 第3季 第1集_0012.jpg

The dialogue you've presented appears to be from a conversation where one person expresses skepticism about a situation, and it involves some law enforcement or military jargon:

Here's a way of understanding the exchange:

get hosed#

Get hosed" 这个表达可能起源于北美的俚语,有时也写作 "hosed down"。其字面意义是用水管(hose)冲击,这通常用于大力、迅速地清洗某样东西。引申地,这个短语表达了一个人受到突然而强烈的不公待遇或被愚弄的感觉,就像被一阵强水流击中一样出人意料并往往不悦。


关于如何将它引申使用,在英语中,当我们说某人"get hosed"时,可以联想到如下情景:

因此,“get hosed”形象地描述了一个人处于不利,受伤或被不公平对待的情况,这有助于记住和理解这个表达。


North American English informal something considered to be complete nonsense: this whole business of an electronic community is a crock | what a crock!.

Jarhead:美国海军陆战队员 squid:水手#

Screw you, Jarhead. I'm not a Jarhead, I'm a squid. But a tube steak like you doesn't get to call me either. Somebody call somebody "Jarhead"?

The term "Jarhead" is a slang term for members of the United States Marine Corps. It is often used informally or colloquially and can be affectionate or pejorative, depending on context and tone.

The dialogue given suggests a playful or confrontational exchange between military personnel, where the terms "Jarhead" and "squid" are thrown around:

The phrase "But a tube steak like you doesn't get to call me either" indicates disdain or a put-down from the speaker, using "tube steak" as another derogatory slang (oftentimes referring to someone they consider worth as much as a cheap hot dog). Without the specific context of the conversation, the intent of the speaker could either be seriously offensive or part of mutual banter between service members.

The usage of these terms should be handled carefully, as they can be seen as disrespectful if used outside of a context of mutual understanding and camaraderie.






来源, Britannica Dictionary, and other language resources.

1274: twelve hundred and seventy four#

Excellent. Only twelve hundred and seventy four to go.

提醒自己注意一下数字的读法(以前还会念 one thousand two hundred and seventy five 来着……)

boilermakers (威士忌加啤酒的)调酒#

当然 曼哈顿西部的威士忌加啤酒买一送一 Sure, it's two-for-one boilermakers in Hell's Kitchen.

In context, this sentence likely means that a bar in Hell's Kitchen is offering a special deal where you can buy one boilermaker (the beer and whiskey pairing) and get another one for free.


deluge 大量涌来#

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Person of Interest 第3季 第1集_0005.jpg

all but#

把人打至昏迷 He all but put the guy in a coma.

almost too troubling to contemplate.#

它到底还有何意图令人琢磨不透 Whatever else it's up to is almost too troubling to contemplate.

第一集大锤高跟鞋碎手机截图留恋~ prprpr#

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