Personal effects 个人物品#
我们找到的个人物品在那里 The personal effects we recovered are over there.
Sustain injuries 受伤#
你的颈部和腰部受了伤 Youve sustained injuries to your neck and lower back.
Dictate your terms 提要求#
You can dictate your terms.
S2E22 截图留念。宅总美如画~#
Face the music 承担后果#
我们一起面对 Time for us to face the music.
S2E22 卡姐救以老师留恋~#
以老师略带惊讶的:detective Carter? 世界真奇妙啊。
priority: something is a priority#
他的幸福安康可不是我的紧要大事 His well-being isn't exactly a priority for me.
Baggage claim ticket 行李托运牌#
On the upside 往好处想#
Pull the rip cord#
Update: 在 Mac 上下载了几个 gbk 字体之后字幕突然就能正常显示了……

the sum of two sides of the ledger.#
综合说来 身为一名警察 You know, at the end of the day, as a cop,
一般都处于这么一种境地 you're the sum of two sides of the ledger.
有人恨不得你完蛋 The people who want to see you go down
有人根本不鸟你 and the people who dont give a crap about you.
而现在 弗斯科 我认为根本没人鸟你 Now, Fusco, I don't think anyone gives a crap about you.

在这句话里:"You know, at the end of the day, as a cop,you're the sum of two sides of the ledger." 是指,从根本上讲,作为一名警察,你的工作和影响是由两部分构成的,正如在会计账本上的借方和贷方一样。
shrewd 精明的人#
(once / 326 pages)
If you are shrewd in your spending, you can make a small salary go a long way. Use the adjective shrewd to describe a person or thing that is smart or clever in a practical sort of way.
The word shrewd is from a Middle English adjective formed from the noun schrewe "an evil person, a villain." This Middle English noun is an earlier form of our modern English word shrew. So shrewd and shrew are related to each other. Shrewd doesn't usually have a disapproving or negative tone, but shrew certainly does.
(comparative shrewder, superlative shrewdest)
clever at understanding and making judgements about a situation精明的;敏锐的;有眼光的;精于盘算的synonym astute
- a shrewd businessman精明的商人
- She is a shrewd judge of character.她看人看得很准。
- Paul was too shrewd to be taken in by this argument.保罗太精明了,无法被这种论调所接受。
Topics Personal qualitiesC2
showing good judgement and likely to be right判断得准的;高明的
diabolical 邪恶的#
(especially British English, informal)extremely bad or annoying糟糕透顶的;烦人的;讨厌的synonym terrible
(also less frequent diabolic
morally bad and evil; like a devil道德败坏的;邪恶的;恶魔似的 Topics Personal qualitiesC2
It’s truly a diabolical way of killing someone.
S2E20 豆豆向卡姐坦白了以为的错误 卡姐最终帮助豆豆暂时甩开IAB的罪名#
black edge 黑幕#
你要么搞到"黑幕"要么滚蛋 Either you get black edge, or youlre out.
就是内部消息 无人知晓的 确定无疑的 Inside information that no one else has, that's beyond doubt.

get hitched 结婚, prenup 婚前协议#
没签婚前协议千万别结婚 Never get hitched without a prenup.

I got a date with a sock#
means Masturbation.

The phrase "I got a date with a sock" is not a commonly recognized idiom or expression, and it may be a line taken from specific content, spoken casually, or used humorously in certain contexts. One possible, informal meaning mentioned in an online source is in reference to a sock used for masturbation. It is a crude, slang way to indicate that someone has no plans other than staying in and engaging in self-pleasure.
However, without specific context, it could also be a humorous or sarcastic way of saying that one has no significant plans at all. Again, please note that this is slang and not an appropriate or socially accepted expression in formal situations or polite conversation.
If you provide more context or details about where you heard the phrase, or if it's from a specific movie or show, I might be able to give you a more precise understanding of its meaning or how it's being used.
hit the bricks#
走吧 该回家了 哥们 Come on, it's time to hit the bricks, buddy.

That's the long and short of it. 简单来说就是这样#
我是不会这么说的 l dont know if ld put it that way.
那你怎么说 And how would you put it?
我们开始一起巡逻出警 We walked a beat together coming up.
后来他去了缉毒组 我去了凶案组 He went to Narcotics. I went to Homicide. 就这样 That's the long and short of it.

The phrase "that's the long and short of it" is an idiomatic expression used to sum up or give a concise summary or conclusion of a matter without going into a lengthy explanation. It means to convey the essential points or the main idea of something in brief.
An example sentence using this phrase might be:
"We've had our ups and downs, but when all is said and done, we've had a successful year—that's the long and short of it."
chickens coming home to roost. 自食恶果#
自食恶果罢了 Just chickens coming home to roost.

The phrase "chickens coming home to roost" is a proverbial expression meaning that bad or foolish things that someone has done in the past are now causing problems for them, essentially that the consequences of one's actions are finally being felt.
For example:
The CEO is now facing the consequences of his company's predatory policies—his chickens are coming home to roost.
The consequences of doing wrong always catch up with the wrongdoer, as in Now that you're finally admitting your true age, no one believes you—chickens come home to roost. The fact that chickens usually come home to rest and sleep has long been known, but the idea was used figuratively only in 1809, when Robert Southey wrote, “Curses are like young chickens, they always come home to roost” (The Curse of Kehama).
several idiomatic expressions related to the concept of facing the consequences of one's actions.
- "Reap what you sow" - You will eventually face the consequences of your actions, good or bad.
- If you treat people well, you'll reap what you sow, and they'll likely treat you well in return.
- "Pay the piper" - To face the consequences of one's actions, particularly after a period of irresponsible behavior or neglect.
- After neglecting his studies, he had to pay the piper during the final exams.
- "Face the music" - To accept responsibility for something you have done.
- She knew she couldn't hide the mistake forever and it was time to face the music.
- "Get one's comeuppance" - To receive punishment or retribution that one deserves.
- He was always cheating his friends, and finally, he got his comeuppance when no one was willing to help him in his time of need.
These expressions serve as reminders that one's actions have consequences, and eventually, one may have to confront them.
ergo 因此#
Indeed. Ergo, you are now Jason Bao, playboy millionaire.
"she was the sole beneficiary of the will, ergo the prime suspect"
The adverb ergo is a fancy version of "therefore." Use it as a connector between thoughts and sentences that logically follow. You were present during the robbery; ergo, you were called as a witness.
Ergo appeared in late Middle English meaning "therefore," probably from the Old Latin root regere, "to guide." You can see the relation to the word as it is used today, to present a connection between ideas where a second sentence or idea is "guided" by, or draws a logical conclusion from the first one. Satirist Jonathan Swift once wrote, “Words are but wind; and learning is nothing but words; ergo, learning is nothing but wind.”
can·tan·ker·ous 脾气暴躁的#
bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative.
"a crusty, cantankerous old man"
他脾气是不好 但他不是杀人犯 He's cantankerous, but he's not a killer.

more to... than meets the eye 另有隐情#
Mr. Reese, I think there may be more to Lou than meets the eye.

Here are some example sentences using the phrase "more to... than meets the eye" from IMDb, specifically within the context of U.S. dramas:
In the context of a film review for "Entre Ses Mains": "The film is the usual narrative; wife in a long time marriage, meets and hooks up with a charismatic individual (usually an artist type), for a torrid affair, with more to it than meets the eye."
- 这部电影是典型的叙述;长时间婚姻中的妻子,遇到并与一个有魅力的人(通常是艺术家类型)连接,进行了一场热情的恋情,事件背后有更多不为人知的事情。
Source: IMDb review of "Entre Ses Mains"
From the plot summary of "Stranger Things": "... more is going on than meets the eye."
- ...事情比表面上看到的要复杂。
Source: IMDb plot summary for "Stranger Things"
From a review of the series "Clickbait": "Everyone is super quick to believe it, but there's more to the story than meets the eye."
- 每个人都很容易相信它,但故事背后有更多不为人知的细节。
Source: IMDb review of "Clickbait"
a foregone conclusion 必然结果#
phrase of foregone
noun: foregone conclusion
a result that can be predicted with certainty. 预料中的必然结果
"the result of her trial was a foregone conclusion"

albeit 虽然#
He was making progress, albeit rather slowly.
在学术写作或正式语境中,使用 "albeit" 可以使句子听起来更加高级和正式。它可以在引入一个对比或让步的副句时代替 "although" 或 "even though",提供一个更为文学化的语气。
- Scribbr
Here are some example sentences using "albeit" from reviews of U.S. dramas on IMDb:
"Rather than being moving, it is slightly laughable. Then the movie turns into a straightforward, albeit very well shot, action flick full of gore and carnage."
- 与其说是感人,不如说有点可笑。接下来,这部电影变成了一个直截了当、尽管拍摄得非常好的动作片,充满了血腥和残酷。
Source: IMDb reviews for "Death Sentence"
"... albeit in a different manner -- coworker, who turns out to be his soul mate. Everyone is attractive and very nice and if the final happy romantic-looking ..."
- ...尽管方式不同 -- 同事,最终证明是他的灵魂伴侣。每个人都很有魅力,非常友好,如果最后看起来幸福浪漫...
Source: IMDb reviews for "A Crush on You"
"Notion 2: This is a real departure for Sundance. Gee, it seems to be religious, albeit in a weird sort of way. There are all these undertones of faith and hope ..."
- 第二个观点:这对于圣丹斯来说是一个真正的转变。哎呀,它似乎是宗教性的,尽管是以一种奇怪的方式。这里有着所有关于信仰和希望的潜台词...
Source: IMDb reviews for "Henry Poole Is Here"
These sentences exhibit how "albeit" is employed to introduce contrast or concession within a elaborate context, typical of the nuanced language found in film reviews.

She's certainly a rising star in the tech world. Gushing profiles in blogs and national magazines.#
同义:用gushing profile去形容rising star
这一集的poi是个techie girl,最后还去了宅的IFT
nimble 灵巧的#
它的可变数据处理跟传说中的一样快吗 Is its variable processing as nimble as they say?
句型:I consider it ... in terms of ...#
I consider it a vast improvement in terms of energy consumption, overall efficiency-
slam 很忙#
"How's my day, Jerome?" "Let's go with slammed."

"Slam" 不通常直接表示"很忙"这个概念。但在非正式场合,特别是俚语中,"slammed" 这个形容词有时可以用来表示某人非常忙碌,意指他们的时间表被安排得满满的,几乎没有喘息的空间。
例句:I can't make it to the party tonight; I'm totally slammed with work. 来源:自创例句
中文例句:我今晚不能去参加派对了,我工作太忙了。 来源:自创例句
在美剧 "The Heat with Mark McEwan" 的 "Winterlicious" 集中使用了"slammed"这个词来形容非常忙碌的情况。以下是具体的例句:
Both of McEwan's busy restaurants get slammed for two weeks when the city's promotional dining event draws thousands of extra customers through the doors.
来源:IMDb的美剧"The Heat with Mark McEwan"的"Winterlicious"集。
The dialogue:
"How's my day, Jerome?" "Let's go with slammed."
Here, the word "slammed" is used informally to describe being very busy or overwhelmed with work or activities. It suggests that the speaker's schedule is packed with appointments or tasks, leaving little to no free time.
Example: "How's my day, Jerome? Oh, let's go with slammed. Tovo at 10:00, New Technologies at 11:00, and then the florist called again..."
- From "Person of Interest" - Season 2, Episode 19 "Trojan Horse" (source: tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org)
"我的一天怎么样,杰罗姆?" "我们就说非常忙碌吧。"
示例: "我的一天怎么样,杰罗姆?哦,我们就说非常忙碌。上午10点Tovo,11点新技术,然后花店的人又打电话来了……"
- 来自《疑犯追踪》- 第2季,第19集 "木马计划"(来源:tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org)
entice you to jump ship 怂恿你跳槽#
要是有人怂恿你跳槽 Well, if they ever try to entice you to jump ship,
一定要给我机会高价留你 give me a chance to match their offer.
"Entice you to jump ship" 是一个短语,可以翻译为“诱惑你跳槽”。这个短语由两部分组成: "entice"(诱惑)和 "jump ship"(跳槽,本字面意义为船员在航行中逃离船只,现多用于比喻跳槽)。
Entice (动词/verb)#
- 吸引;诱惑;引诱。
Jump ship (短语/phrase)#
- 字面意思是“离船”,比喻指在工作、组织或活动中离职,尤指为了更好的机会而不正式或突然地离开当前职位。
- The competitor company tried to entice her to jump ship with a better salary and benefits package. 竞争对手公司试图以更高的薪水和福利待遇来诱惑她跳槽。
- If your employees are constantly being enticed to jump ship, perhaps it's time to consider improving your workplace environment. 如果你的雇员不断被诱惑跳槽,也许是时候考虑改善你的工作环境了。
"They offered substantial bonuses to entice him to jump ship."
push on all fronts 全力以赴#
没什么靠谱的 不过我们在全线查了 Nothing solid yet, but were pushing on all fronts.
"Push on all fronts" suggests a comprehensive or multi-faceted effort, where progress is being made or efforts are being exerted in all areas. Below are several examples to show how "push on all fronts" is used in context:
- "After Calais, we are depleted on all fronts. Nothing solid, but we're pushing on all fronts." (Source: TextRanch)
- 这句话的含义是在所有领域都投入了力量,即便目前没有明确成果,也在继续努力。
- "Europe and the Commission are fighting obesity on all fronts." (Source: TextRanch)
- 这句话表明欧洲和委员会正在多方面打击肥胖问题。
- "But Lennon was the [individual] who delivered on all fronts." (Source: Ludwig)
- 这里表达的是某人(Lennon)在各方面都做出了成果。
In writing, "push on all fronts" can be used to convey an aggressive or dynamic approach to tackling multiple challenges simultaneously. The phrase can work well to emphasize the breadth and intensity of an effort in any domain, such as a business strategy, military campaign, or personal endeavors.
con·trive 编造#
create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.
"his opponents contrived a crisis"
manage to do something foolish or create an undesirable situation.
"the poor guy in some way contrived to hang himself"
我得找个借口进入他的办公室 I'll have to contrive a reason to get into his office.

- 创造或想出(尤指通过技巧或恶作剧):to plan with ingenuity; devise; invent
- 设法做到(尤指凭借巧妙或智谋):to bring about or effect by a plan, scheme, or the like; manage
- "He contrived a meeting with the CEO by pretending to be a journalist." 他假装成一名记者,巧妙安排了与CEO的会面。(来源:TextRanch)
- "She contrived to get out of the office early by saying she had a dentist appointment." 她诡辩说自己有个牙医预约,巧妙地安排了早些时候离开办公室。(来源:TextRanch)
- "They contrived a hidden compartment in the bookshelf for their valuable items." 他们巧妙设计了书架里的一个隐藏格,用于存放他们的贵重物品。(来源:TextRanch)
der·e·lict 废弃的#
in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect.
"the cities were derelict and dying"
a person without a home, job, or property.
"derelicts who could fit all their possessions in a paper bag"

在美剧《律法男女》(Boston Legal)中有这样的对话:“This building is a derelict. It should be condemned.”,意思是:“这栋大楼是废弃的,应该被列为危房。” 这里的"derelict"用作形容词,描述一座因年久失修和被遗弃而变得危险的建筑。
implicate & exonerate#
While you're being questioned, they'll be destroying any evidence that could implicate them or exonerate you, unless we get to that evidence first.

"implicate" 和 "exonerate" 是两个表达相反意义的英语动词。
定义: Implicate (verb) /ˈɪm.plɪ.keɪt/: to show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad that has happened. 当我们说某事物“implicates”某人时,我们是在指控那个人与某个犯罪、问题或负面事件有关联。
- The evidence implicates the employee in the embezzlement scandal. 证据表明该员工与挪用公款的丑闻有关。
- His actions implicated him in the conspiracy. 他的行为使他卷入了这场阴谋。
- The testimony of the witness implicated a high-ranking official in the bribery case. 证人的证词指出一个高级官员涉嫌贿赂案。
定义: Exonerate (verb) /ɪɡˈzɑː.nə.reɪt/: to officially absolve someone from blame for a wrongdoing or release someone from guilt or an obligation. “Exonerate”意味着宣布某人无罪,确认他们不应对某件事负责或不涉及某个不当行为。
- The new evidence exonerates the defendant of all charges. 新的证据证明被告无罪。
- After the investigation, the commission exonerated the politician from any wrongdoing. 调查结束后,委员会宣布那位政治家没有任何不当行为。
- She has been exonerated from the accusation of cheating. 她已被宣布不是作弊的指控。
pull up stakes 拔起帐篷桩;离开,迁移#
不幸的是 我们不得不撤离雷拉科技 Unfortunately, we've had to pull up stakes in Rylatech.

"Pull up stakes" 是一个短语,源于美国西部拓荒时代,意指拔起用来固定帐篷的桩子,随之离开。在现代英语中,这个短语有比喻的意义,指离开某个地方,通常是为了搬到另一个地方。
中文对照: Pull up stakes - 拔起帐篷桩;离开,迁移
用法: He decided to pull up stakes and move to another state for a fresh start. 他决定拔起帐篷桩,搬到另一个州重新开始。
Let's pull up stakes and find a place where we can grow our business. 咱们拔营迁移,找个地方能让我们的生意发展。
这里是一些关于 "pull up stakes" 的权威词典定义和例句:
- 来源于北美,意为移居或去住在别处。例如:"his father wrangled with a foreman and the family pulled up stakes"(他的父亲与一个工头争吵,然后一家人就搬家了)。 - 来源链接:Cambridge Dictionary
- Cambridge Dictionary 的英语定义为:to take all the things that you own and go and live in a different place(带走你拥有的所有东西,去一个不同的地方生活)。 - 来源链接:Cambridge Dictionary
- Dictionary.com 解释为:Move away, leave one's home, job, or country(搬走,离开某人的家、工作或国家)。比如:"We've lived here for years, but now it's time to pull up stakes."(我们在这里住了很多年,但现在是时候搬家了)。 - 来源链接:Dictionary.com
词典中的这些例句显示,pull up stakes 通常用于描述因为各种原因(如家庭争端、寻找新机会或改变生活环境)而决定搬家或迁徙的情况。
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